Monday, July 6, 2009


Welcome to the Art Journal Signature Swap hosted via Art42!

------------------> nicci's signature, click to enlarge.

The call for entry for the swap can be seen, in part, below:
Love art journals? This is the swap for you! No theme, no limits, no apologies, no fear! The idea of this swap is for every artist involved to make a signature (does not need to be bound) of art papers or gessoed papers or any sort of papers, really, and start a few of the pages in an art journal style (which really means anything... images or text or collage).

Once you have made your signature and worked in it, you will send it along to the next person on the list (below you). They will also be sending theirs on. When you receive, you will work in that signature for a little bit, and then send it on. Eventually, you should get your own art journal signature back in your hands, with a little bit of art from everyone. The idea is to host this project a few times, so that it's possible to build of several sets of signatures of work to be bound into handmade artist book!

What does no apologies mean? It means work on anything, even alongside or atop another artist's work. No limits means NO LIMITS! Paint in, draw, collage into, tip art over, copy on acetate and post in with brads.... anything! Record yourself, then photograph it or scan it and post it to:
There are seven artists working on this project, and each should have now mailed out their first signature. Watch this space for updates. Happy creating!

(The piece shown above was created with watercolor paper, gesso, acrylic paint, matte gel medium, pen and ink, bristol board, thread, a button, glue, and found paper.)