Monday, September 28, 2009

ajss - september 2009

art journal - nicci's ajss sig - detail

the signatures have been making the rounds, and should be coming home soon. below you can see some thumbnails of my own entries into my second sig, to replace the first that was eaten by the gods of mail art, otherwise known as a no send, and an entry into lemur's journal sig.

art journal sig swap - nicci in lemur's book art journal - nicci's ajss sig art journal - nicci's ajss sig blue girl art journal - nicci's ajss sig - detail

follow the links to flickr for more details and larger photos!

Friday, September 11, 2009

nicci's entry in mistiko's journal


the journals, though they had a few stalls here and there, are moving along. here's a recent entry i did in mistiko's journal with gesso, pens, tape, adhesive spray, photocopies, watercolor, sharpie, thread, and pencils. a mini zine is sewn into the sketchbook, composed of art from various atcs made in the last couple of months!